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How To Move A Shed

Moving a shed can be a daunting task. They are large structures, and not only does that make them very unwieldy, but it can also make them quite heavy. So, it’s important that you have the proper understanding of what it takes to move a shed to avoid any injuries or damage in the process.

At EasyCarport, we’ve worked with businesses and home owners across Australia, supporting them with all kinds of single carports, double carports, horse shelters, and more. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps of moving a shed from start to finish.

How To Move A Shed

Table of Contents

Step 1: Prepare the shed’s new site

The first step is to prepare the new site for the shed. This includes clearing the area of any debris and levelling the ground. Please note that the surface of the new site can be concrete footing or dirt without gravel. If you’re moving your shed to a new location, you’ll also want to make sure that the dimensions of the new site are nearly identical to the previous dimensions.

Step 2: Empty the shed

Once your shed’s new location is ready, you will need to empty the shed of all its contents. This includes any vehicles, furniture, tools, or other items stored in the shed. It is important to completely empty the shed as this will make it easier to move.

Step 3: Disconnect from floor and wall

You need to first cut off the dyna bolts installed on the concrete footing or remove the ground nails installed in the dirt to ensure that the carport is disconnected from the old floor. If the shed is attached to the walls of your house or has drains installed, you will need to disconnect them before moving the shed. This is a safety precaution to prevent any damage to the walls or the shed itself.

Step 4: Prepare for shed relocation

Once the shed is empty and disconnected from the walls and floor, you will need to prepare the shed for relocation. If you have enough people and the new site is not far away, you and your helpers can move the carport to the new site unchanged. If the new site is far away, you need to remove the top and side sheets first and disconnect some kits according to your needs to ensure safety and flexibility during transportation.

Step 5: Moving the Shed

The actual process of moving a shed will vary depending on the size and weight of the shed and the distance it needs to be moved. For small sheds and moving within a short distance, they can be moved by hand. However, for larger sheds and over longer distances, you may need to use equipment such as a forklift or trailer.

Step 6: Place the shed on the new foundation

Once the shed has been moved to its new location, you will need to assemble it by placing it on its new foundation. This may involve setting the shed on concrete footing and dirt. You also need to level the shed and fix it to the ground, where if the number of dyna bolts is not enough for the installation of the new site, you can purchase them from our company.

Step 7: Put the shed back together

Once the shed is in its new location, you can start to put the shed back together. This includes disassembling frames and sheets prior to assembly.

Step 8: Connect Walls and Drainage Channels

If the shed requires wall connections or drainage channels, you will need to install and connect them now.

Final Tips for moving a shed

  1. Ask friends or family for help. Moving the shed is much easier with the help of another person.
  2. Use the correct equipment. The right equipment will make the job easier and safer.
  3. Be careful. Mobile sheds can be dangerous if not done properly.
  4. Take it easy. No need to rush. Moving a shed is a big job, so take your time and do it right.